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  1. https://www.tweaktown.com/news/99905/its-great-day-for-owners-of-windows-11-gaming-handhelds-one-way-or-another/index.html#:~:text=If you own a Windows,that today%2C regarding SteamOS support.
  2. Everything has changed so much, I recall subscribing to at least three of four magazines for years, PC Gamer, Computer Gaming World, Video Games and Computer Entertainment, and last but not least, N--do Power (which I stupidly threw out in a spring cleaning fit). I hate that they are all slowing fading away and this is sad news for sure, but the web has sent these publications the way of the newspaper and the website's just don't have the draw to me the magazines did back in the day when they were your only source of news.
  3. I’ll be in an island saying this, but I actually stuck it out with 8 until I became comfortable with it and 8.1 was a major improvement. My GameEx setup ran great on 8 and I found both vastly less resource hungry and responsive than Vista. To me 10 was a continuation of these improvements and along with it came some course corrections. I personally hate 11, and although it’s not a drastic departure as a whole from 10, it’s just different enough to make it unproductive and clunky to work within, for me anyway.
  4. Windows 11 is almost as bad as Vista. It’s almost as if after MS finally was able to pry people off of 7 to 10 they decided to punish everyone with a step backwards. Time to skip ahead and release “Windows the 13th” 😆
  5. I’ve seen it all, but never rolled up into one site for control panel design, parts, building, flat pack cab kits, wood working kits, and video tutorials, etc all in one place. When I first got into this required numerous sites and countless reading of forums for layouts, plans, user-made YouTube videos and live and learn wood working experiences. It’s just interesting to see it all rolled into one place, even though none of it individually is ground breaking.
  6. Just found this on a random search and have to wonder why something like this didn't pop up a lot longer ago. https://retroactivearcade.ca/collections/new-arrivals
  7. https://www.retrorgb.com/new-multi-system-japanese-retro-pc-controller-available-from-ompearetro.html
  8. Ideally I would have two CB250 or 350’s connected to each other with SFP modules and fiber, that’s what I’m really trying to replicate, just without fishing a fiber downstairs. This way my layer 2 and 3 traffic isn't degraded from the first floor switch to the second floor devices on a second linked switch, which includes smart TV’s, wireless network, computing devices and cameras.
  9. That’s pretty impressive, but I have to admit that I was hoping for more synchronous performance. The first thing I thought of with this was using it to bridge two network switches. I need a POE switch for cameras and have been eying a Cisco CB250, thinking I wound eventually get a second, but have no fiber in place to link the downstairs switch to the upstairs switch. I already picked up some power injectors to handle the upstairs camera wiring, but it would be a much cleaner install with a POE switch and have the added bonus of getting me off the less than ideal Netfear switch, which likes to call home each time you log into it.😠
  10. That's pretty interesting and something I wasn't familiar with at all.
  11. Now if the other side had a graphic the bikini chick waving from the end of the game, that would be pretty cool 😆
  12. Spotted this at a recent recycling drop!
  13. Have you done a factory reset and updated any available firmware? That would be where I would start, if you haven’t already. I have a couple Synology wifi routers and a lot of bugs got fixed along the way after initial release.
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